Pay-Day Meat Pack


Fill your fridge and freezer on pay day and you will have lots of delicious menu options throughout the month.

2 x 500g Steak Mince

2 x 500g Diced Beef Steak

2 x 4 Chicken Fillets

4 x 10oz Gammon Steaks

2 x 6 Slices Bacon

2 x 4 Slices Haggis

2 x 4 Slices Lorne Sausage

4 x 4oz Beef Burgers

1 x Mince Round

1 x Family Steak Pie


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Pork Links , Lorne Sausage – Gluten, Sulphites

Haggis – Gluten

Burgers – Gluten, Mustard, Sulphites

Mince Round, Steak Pie – Celery, Gluten Soya, Sulphites